Waterloo Region Record

Opinion article on vaccines was greatly appreciated

Re: When it comes to public health measures, all sides should not have equal say — Oct. 16

Hats off to Joel Rubinoff for this column. Since March of 2020, I could not figure out why the media seemed to be giving an equal voice to all the antilockdown, anti-mask, anti-vaccine, anti-whatever groups.

Joel bravely admitted the media, himself included, should not be “giving oxygen to misinformed, factually inaccurate points of view“and “journalists need to stop amplifying talking points that ignore scientific facts.”

Joel then puts the “I did my own research” and the “my body my choice” crowds in their place and concludes, “If you spread misinformation and put your own needs before the public good, you don’t deserve an uncritical media platform.”

Thank you, Joel! Finally, an intelligent article about this pandemic that puts things in the proper perspective. You have restored my faith in journalism. Guy Schmidt Waterloo






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