Waterloo Region Record

Only strategic voting can stop Ford

Dale Ingrey Waterloo

The provincial election in Ontario is fast approaching, and if the polls are correct Doug Ford’s Progressive Conservatives will be returned to power with another majority by persuading fewer than 37 per cent of voters that they are best qualified to face the challenges of the next four years.

Those significant challenges include health care, public education, long-term care and home care for seniors and the disabled, climate change, social justice and equity, to name just a few.

It seems to me that the Liberals, New Democrats and Greens have much in common in their platforms, with very minor differences. If Ontario citizens wish to elect a truly progressive government, and not merely one that has the word in its name, there is a simple solution. Vote for the Liberal, New Democrat or Green candidate in your riding who has the best chance of defeating the Conservative candidate.

If Ford wins again owing to opposition vote-splitting, the only winners will be his developer friends who stand to reap huge profits building unnecessary highways through precious natural areas and farmland. The losers will be the majority of Ontarians who wish to protect public health care, public education and our environment.






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