Waterloo Region Record

The Bridge Column

The defense started with two rounds of hearts. South ruffed the second heart, led a spade to dummy’s jack, and cashed the king of spades. The 4-1 trump split was a disappointment. South could not draw all the trumps right away because that would exhaust all of his trumps also. South would not be able to prevent the run of the heart suit when he lost the lead to the ace of diamonds. The ace of diamonds had to be knocked out first. South led a diamond to his queen as East played the eight of diamonds. West saw partner’s eight and made the good play of ducking his ace. South led another diamond, but West rose with his king as East played the two, completing his high-low. West led another diamond for East to ruff, and the contract finished down one because there was an inescapable club loser. South suffered some bad luck, but he could have done better. Can you spot how? Instead of ruffing at trick two, South should have discarded a low club, which was sure to be a loser later. He could then ruff a heart continuation in dummy and make his contract with reasonable splits in spades and diamonds. This good play would have cost nothing. South just didn’t think of it. Too bad.*






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