Waterloo Region Record

Abby Beauchamp, hairstylist, 22

What spurred your decision to cut your hair short?

“I was in hair school and had both sides of my head shaved in a mullet type of situation. I was getting tired of long hair and just pulled out the clippers and buzzed my hair off!”

How did you feel when you first did the big chop?

“Empowered, confident, proud of myself.”

How do you maintain your cut?

“I like to keep the top long and the sides shorter, so I go in with my clippers and clean up the sides every few weeks and the top only once in a while.”

How do you like to style it?

“I love putting some mousse into my hair and diffusing it to accentuate my waves. Or I use a small-barrelled curling iron to add some texture in between wash days.”

Who are your short-haircut icons?

“Halle Berry, Anne Hathaway circa 2012, Doja Cat with the amazing buzz cut!”

What does your short hair represent to you?

“To me, short hair represents loving yourself and how you look, no matter what. When I got my buzz cut, it really made me question my personal beauty standards and opened up a whole new world of beauty and what I consider beautiful.”

Any final short-hair musings?

“Do it! Life is too short to not have fun with your hair and feel your best.”






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